Faces and Places of Internment

World War II Internment - German Americans


Faces of internment--The government took photographs of each internee.  At the Crystal City family internment camp, family photographs were taken.

Alien Enemy Registration identification 

German-American and Japanese American internee construction crew - preparing family living quarters at Crystal City,Texas


American Children - Ellis Island

American children internees at Ellis Island 



Aerial View of Crystal City Texas Internment Camp

Aerial view of Alien Enemy Internment Camp
Crystal City, Texas


Censorship Stamp used by the Immigration and Naturalization Service in its internment facilities


Fort Lincoln, Bismarck, North Dakota
Male Internment Camp

Fort Lincoln Guard Tower

Guard Tower - Fort Lincoln, Bismarck, North Dakota





German American internees [NPRR Gang 5] working on the Northern Pacific Railroad

Money used by internees held in the Crystal City Internment Camp

Camp Kenedy, Texas

German American internees at Kenedy, Texas,  male internment camp

Camp Forrest Huts for Civilian Internees

Huts [internee living quarters], Camp Forrest, Tennessee 

April 1, 1942 New York Times Article

Click on the link below to read this article in its entirety. 

New York Times article of April 1, 1942 -- a sign of the times


Christmas 1943 -A celebration not to be found in the photographic histories of Ellis Island

The dark years of Ellis Island, 1941 through 1948, remain a secret.  Many German Americans found themselves locked up in this place three years after the war in Europe had ended.  They were held behind barbed wire fences and iron-barred windows.  By 1947 hundreds had already been held for more than five years. 

For more images ««««Click here

  World War II Alien Enemy Internment Program ««««Click here for more information.

ADJ - June 2003